PERP, e-learning Week

For the practice routine im doing for Ca4a, im focusing on increasing my dexterity for the bass and making my fingers move faster and more accurate. One method I found is actually related to the amount of tension of the forearm of the fretting hand. My reason for the amount of tension is that im actually pressing down on the fretting board too hard and because of that it affects the time taken for me to pull off that note and fret the next one.

So as to reduce tension, I practise with the blues scale and being familiar with how much force I use to push down the string so thats its just nice enough to create the sound. Then I realised that each off my fingers exerts a different amount of force on the string, with some causing even greater tension on my forearm than other fingers. This is most especially true in the case when I alternate fingers and very obvious when I do a bass lick thats fast.

Above is a modification of the blues scale by using notes that would force me to alternate fingers and allow me to focus on reducing the tension exerted by each finger.
